
Welcome to Oops I shit myself! If you've just shit your pants, for god's sake, clean yourself up!

But after you get back, tell us all about it to the right...

Submitted by larry Bruce (brighton massechesetts, MO) on 02.08.20

I really dig sushi. trouble is I cant fucking use chopsticks. whenevert I take my bird out (shes really common, you know ther type; smells a bit funny, dodgy teeth and some kind 0of strange hairdo done at S and Ps (Brighton), spends all my money - right sl (Full Story)

Vote:Yeah! You Shit the *Shit* out of yourself! 3395 Not So Much 3620

Submitted by Swagrat ($crewston, TX) on 01.16.20

I shit myself while getting turbo gawk gawk double-fisted hand twist 9000 from my gurl. It was an obviously intended 'Blumpkin' but (plot twist) I forgot to take my pants off before sitting down on da porta-john. All in all, poopy everywhere, ruined my new (Full Story)

Vote:Yeah! You Shit the *Shit* out of yourself! 3316 Not So Much 3128

Submitted by Shartatron (Maui, HI) on 07.24.17

So we were running sprints in the beginning of practice. We were on the last one and I was starting to feel all weird. So I thought I had it in me that I could do this last sprint and manage to go somewhere else before something happened. Turns out while I (Full Story)

Vote:Yeah! You Shit the *Shit* out of yourself! 2960 Not So Much 3089

Submitted by Potty smoker (Some City, Some State) on 07.23.17

I was having a cigarette out of my window, as my parents dont let me smoke. I farted and felt myself need to shit. It started getting worse and feeling warmer. As i put my smoke out i started shitting myself and when i got to the bathroom, my panties were (Full Story)

Vote:Yeah! You Shit the *Shit* out of yourself! 3613 Not So Much 2897

Submitted by Shameful (Some City, MO) on 06.25.17

I'm standing outside with my bestie smoking a cigarette and I feel the urge to fart. So naturally I let it go but in that same moment comes instant regret!! It made a pop sound and a look of horror crossed my face. My friend was worried and thought that my (Full Story)

Vote:Yeah! You Shit the *Shit* out of yourself! 2642 Not So Much 2738

Submitted by Whoopsie (Some City, Some State) on 03.31.17

This literally just happened. I went to a potluck and I was eating these wraps my friend made. It had lettuce, ground meat, tomato, and her "Taco Sauce" she said she made out of mayo and other spices. It was amazinggggg. But then an hour later, my stomach (Full Story)

Vote:Yeah! You Shit the *Shit* out of yourself! 3020 Not So Much 3017

Submitted by PurpleGhost93 (Some City, Some State) on 03.13.17

This was in 2011. Me, my fiancé and my brother had booked a little holiday to Norway to see friends. The last time I flew was when I was 4 years old. At the time of the incident I would have been 18. so I was extremely nervous to fly, and considering I ha (Full Story)

Vote:Yeah! You Shit the *Shit* out of yourself! 3517 Not So Much 3033

Submitted by Poopyrunner (NZ, Some State) on 02.16.17

Ok so I had this running event I had to train for where I was running 14km as part of a team relay, but I'd had food poisoning and hadn't done any training all week. I was finally feeling better, so I thought I'd go for a quick training run - just 5km so 2 (Full Story)

Vote:Yeah! You Shit the *Shit* out of yourself! 3308 Not So Much 3332

Submitted by Amazon driver accident (san antonio, TX) on 01.16.17

Today when I finished dropping off my last amazon package I felt the urge to pee really badly. Making it to the nearest gas station wasn't really an option so I found a secluded area and popped a squat. Unfortunately I've been having some gastrointestinal (Full Story)

Vote:Yeah! You Shit the *Shit* out of yourself! 3259 Not So Much 3617

Submitted by oops (new york, NY) on 01.10.17

I was having a great time in a school bus to a field trip when I felt an urge to fart. I silently let it out, but it was very sticky and wet. It was diarrhea! I stayed quiet till I got to the bathroom stop. I forgot to lock the door, and when another kid o (Full Story)

Vote:Yeah! You Shit the *Shit* out of yourself! 3557 Not So Much 3986

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