Submitted by shitman (Some City, Some State) on 02.19.15
That day I had the exam at my uni so I set my alarm clock early in order to study a little bit in the morning. So the alarm goes off and I turn it off and continue lying in the bed half-asleep when I feel a strange warm sensation in my pants. I immediately realised that I've shat myself and rushed to the toilet to assess the damage and clean up. As the day before I had spinach for lunch, the shit was liquid like a gravy and left a large brown stain on my pants which I threw into the shower and promptly sat on the toilet seat. As I raised from the seat and started wiping myself, I saw that I had smeared shit all over the seat. I looked at my ass in the mirror and it was literally covered in shit, like nutella on a bread. I started to frantically wipe myself and while wiping a big piece of liquid shit landed on my bare foot which freaked me out. So I jumped into the shower (still containing my soiled pants) and proceeded to clean myself while being careful not to touch the pants. I then cleaned the toilet seat and threw away the pants and a shit-smeared towel and everything ended up well.
I also failed the exam later that day.
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